Anti-Stress Classic Massage

Massage as a Lifestyle

Massage is a therapeutic practice that involves manual or mechanical action on the soft tissues of the body such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin and is an important part of a holistic approach to maintaining health and well-being.

The difference between classic massage and relaxation massage lies primarily in the objectives and techniques used in each case. The most important differences are:


  • Relieve tension
  • Improve circulation and skin condition
  • Relax muscles
  • Increase mobility

Classic massage is a general method for improving well-being and prevention, but it can also be used to treat specific conditions or injuries.


  • Relieve stress
  • Promote deep relaxation
  • Improve overall well-being

This type of massage can be beneficial as part of a regular self-care and stress prevention program, as well as a means of recovery after stressful periods in life.

Special attention is given to the head, neck, and shoulder areas, as these zones are often prone to tension due to stress.

As an experienced and creative massage therapist, I incorporate elements of various massage techniques into my treatments to meet your individual needs and preferences. I always strive for clarity and precision to provide you with the best relaxing therapy.

It is recommended to schedule a massage as soon as the need arises. If you wait too long, tension may increase, and stress levels may rise.

Some people may feel significant improvement after one session, while others may need regular visits to achieve and maintain the effect.

«Massage therapy is one of the most ancient and effective forms of treatment. Its action is based on natural mechanisms that have a regenerating and restorative effect.»


The frequency of anti-stress massages depends on individual needs and stress levels.

  • High levels of stress or anxiety: 1–2 times a week for 4–6 weeks, then the frequency can be reduced to once a week or less as the condition improves.
  • Periods of increased stress (e.g., work deadlines, exams): 1–2 times a week throughout the stressful period, then the frequency can be reduced to once every two weeks.
  • Maintaining psycho-emotional balance: Once a week or once every two weeks. Regular sessions on an ongoing basis to maintain overall psycho-emotional health and prevent stress.
  • General relaxation and stress prevention: 1–2 times a month. Regular visits on an ongoing basis to prevent stress and maintain overall health.


The frequency of classic massages depends on individual needs and goals, your health condition, level of physical activity, and overall well-being.

Relaxation and stress relief: Once a week or once every two weeks.

General health improvement and prevention: 1–2 times a month. Regular visits on an ongoing basis to maintain overall health and prevent muscle tension.

Relief of muscle tension and pain: 1–2 times a week. Usually 4–6 weeks to achieve sustainable results, then the frequency can be reduced to once every two weeks or once a month.

Sports and fitness loads: 1–2 times a week, especially during periods of intense training. Depending on the level of physical activity and individual needs.

Recovery after illness or surgery: 1–2 times a week. Depending on the patient’s condition and doctor’s recommendations, the course may last several weeks or months.


It is recommended to schedule a massage as soon as the need arises. If you wait too long, tension may increase, and stress levels may rise.

Some people may feel significant improvement after one session, while others may need regular visits to achieve and maintain the effect.

Your body and psycho-emotional state will best indicate how frequent the massage sessions should be. If you feel significant improvement or, on the contrary, an increase in stress symptoms, be sure to inform your massage therapist. This will help adjust the frequency and duration of the sessions to achieve optimal results.